kubeflow系列教程3-实现逻辑回归(LR) 算法模型

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Why Machine Learning Pipelines?

A lot of attention is being given now to the idea of Machine Learning Pipelines, which are meant to automate and orchestrate the various steps involved in training a machine learning model; however, it’s not always made clear what the benefits are of modeling machine learning workflows as automated pipelines.


When tasked with training a new ML model, most Data Scientists and ML Engineers will probably start by developing some new Python scripts or interactive notebooks that perform the data extraction and preprocessing necessary to construct a clean set of data on which to train the model. Then, they might create several additional scripts or notebooks to try out different types of models or different machine learning frameworks. And finally, they’ll gather and explore metrics to evaluate how each model performed on a test dataset, and then determine which model to deploy to production.


Manual Machine Learning workflow. (image by author)This is obviously an over-simplification of a true machine learning workflow, but the key point is that this general approach requires a lot of manual involvement, and is not reusable or easily repeatable by anyone but the engineer(s) that initially developed it.


We can use Machine Learning Pipelines to address these concerns. Rather than treating the data preparation, model training, model validation, and model deployment as a single codebase meant for the specific model that we’re working on, we can treat this workflow as a sequence of separate, modular steps that each focus on a specific task.


Machine Learning Pipeline. There are a number of benefits of modeling our machine learning workflows as Machine Learning Pipelines:


  • Automation: By removing the need for manual intervention, we can schedule our pipeline to retrain the model on a specific cadence, making sure our model adapts to drift in the training data over time.
  • Reuse: Since the steps of a pipeline are separate from the pipeline itself, we can easily reuse a single step in multiple pipelines.
  • Repeatability:Any Data Scientist or Engineer can rerun a pipeline, whereas, with the manual workflow, it might now always be clear what order different scripts or notebooks need to be run in.
  • Decoupling of Environment: By keeping the steps of a Machine Learning Pipeline decoupled, we can run different steps in different types of environments. For example, some of the data preparation steps might need to run on a large cluster of machines, whereas the model deployment step could probably run on a single machine.

What is Kubeflow?

Kubeflow is an open-source platform, built on Kubernetes, that aims to simplify the development and deployment of machine learning systems. Described in the official documentation as the ML toolkit for Kubernetes, Kubeflow consists of several components that span the various steps of the machine learning development lifecycle. These components include notebook development environments, hyperparameter tuning, feature management, model serving, and, of course, machine learning pipelines.


Kubeflow central dashboard. In this article, we’ll just be focused on the Pipelines component of Kubeflow.



To run the example pipeline, I used a Kubernetes cluster running on bare metal, but you can run the example code on any Kubernetes cluster where Kubeflow is installed.

The only dependency needed locally is the Kubeflow Pipelines SDK. You can install the SDK using pip:


本地唯一需要的依赖项是Kubeflow Pipelines SDK。您可以使用pip安装SDK:

pip install kfp

Kubeflow Pipelines

Pipelines in Kubeflow are made up of one or more components, which represent individual steps in a pipeline. Each component is executed in its own Docker container, which means that each step in the pipeline can have its own set of dependencies, independent of the other components.


For each component we develop, we’ll create a separate Docker image that accepts some inputs, performs an operation, then exposes some outputs. We’ll also have a separate python script, pipeline.py that creates pipeline components out of each Docker image, then constructs a pipeline using the components.


We’ll create four components in all:

  • preprocess-data:this component will load the Boston Housing dataset from sklearn.datasets and then split the dataset into training and test sets.
  • train-model: this component will train a model to predict the median value of homes in Boston using the Boston Housing dataset.
  • test-model: this component will compute and output the mean squared error of the model on the test dataset
  • deploy-model: we won’t be focusing on model deployment or serving in this article, so this component will just log a message saying that it’s deploying the model. In a real-world scenario, this could be a generic component for deploying any model to a QA or Production environment.

ML Pipeline Graph View. (image by author)If all this talk of components and Docker images sounds confusing: don’t worry, it should all start to make more sense when we get into the code.

Component: Preprocess Data

The first component in our pipeline will use sklearn.datasets to load in the Boston Housing dataset. We’ll split this dataset into train and test sets using Sci-kit learn’s train_test_split function, then we’ll use np.save to save our dataset to disk so that it can be reused by later components.

我们管道中的第一个组件将使用sklearn.datasets加载到Boston Housing数据集中。我们将使用Sci-kit learn的train_test_split函数将此数据集拆分为训练集和测试集,然后使用np.save将数据集保存到磁盘,以便以后的组件可以重用它。

import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

def _preprocess_data():
     X, y = datasets.load_boston(return_X_y=True)
     X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.33)
     np.save('x_train.npy', X_train)
     np.save('x_test.npy', X_test)
     np.save('y_train.npy', y_train)
     np.save('y_test.npy', y_test)
if __name__ == '__main__':
     print('Preprocessing data...')

So far this is just a simple Python script. Now we need to create a Docker image that executes this script. We’ll write a Dockerfile to build the image:


FROM python:3.7-slim


RUN pip install -U scikit-learn numpy

COPY preprocess.py ./preprocess.py

ENTRYPOINT [ "python", "preprocess.py" ]

Starting from the python:3.7-slim base image, we’ll install the necessary packages using pip , copy the preprocess Python script from our local machine to the container, and then specify the preprocess.py script as the container entrypoint, which means that when the container starts, it will execute our script.


Building the Pipeline

Now we’ll get started on the pipeline. First, you’ll need to make sure that the Docker image that we defined above is accessible from your Kubernetes cluster. For the purpose of this example, I used GitHub Actions to build the image and push it to Docker Hub.

现在我们将开始运行管道。首先,您需要确保上面定义的Docker镜像可以从Kubernetes集群访问。在本例中,我使用GitHub Actions 创建镜像并推送到Docker Hub

Now let’s define a component. Each component is defined as a function that returns an object of type ContainerOp . This type comes from the kfp SDK that we installed earlier. Here is a component definition for the first component in our pipeline:

现在让我们定义一个组件。每个组件都定义为一个函数,返回ContainerOp类型的对象。这种类型来自我们之前安装的kfp SDK 。以下是管道中第一个组件的组件定义:

from kfp import dsl

def preprocess_op():

    return dsl.ContainerOp(
        name='Preprocess Data',
            'x_train': '/app/x_train.npy',
            'x_test': '/app/x_test.npy',
            'y_train': '/app/y_train.npy',
            'y_test': '/app/y_test.npy',

Notice that for the image argument, we’re passing the name of the Docker image defined by the Dockerfile above, and for the file_outputs argument, we’re specifying the file paths of the four .npy files that are saved to disk by our component Python script.

请注意,对于image参数,我们传递的是上面Dockerfile定义的Docker镜像的名称,对于file_outputs参数,我们指定由我们的组件Python脚本保存到磁盘的四个.npy 文件的文件路径。

By specifying these four files as File Outputs, we make them available for other components in the pipeline.


Note: It’s not a very good practice to hard-code file paths in our components, because, as you can see from the code above, this requires that the person creating the component definition knows specific details about the component implementation (that is, the implementation contained in the Docker image). It would be much cleaner to have our component accept the file paths as command-line arguments. This way the person defining the component has full control over where to expect the output files. I’ve left it hard-coded this way to hopefully make it easier to see how all of these pieces fit together.


With our first component defined, we can create a pipeline that uses the preprocess-data component.


import kfp
from kfp import dsl

   name='Boston Housing Pipeline',
   description='An example pipeline.'
def boston_pipeline():
    _preprocess_op = preprocess_op()

client = kfp.Client()
client.create_run_from_pipeline_func(boston_pipeline, arguments={})

The pipeline definition is a Python function decorated with the @dsl.pipeline annotation. Within the function, we can use the component like we would any other function.


To execute the pipeline, we create a kfp.Client object and invoke the create_run_from_pipeline_func function, passing in the function that defines our pipeline.


If we execute this script, then navigate to the Experiments view in the Pipelines section of the Kubeflow central dashboard, we’ll see the execution of our pipeline. We can also see the four file outputs from the preprocess-data component by clicking on the component in the graph view of the pipeline.


Kubeflow pipelines UI. (image by author)So we can execute our pipeline and visualize it in the GUI, but a pipeline with a single step isn’t all that exciting. Let’s create the remaining components.

Kubeflow pipelines UI。这样我们就可以执行我们的管道并在GUI中可视化它,但是一个简单步骤的管道并不是那么令人兴奋。让我们创建其余的组件。

Remaining Components

For the train-model component, we’ll create a simple python script that trains a regression model using Sci-kit learn. This should look similar to the python script for the preprocessor component. The big difference is that here we’re using argparse to accept the file paths to the training data as command-line arguments.

对于train model组件,我们将创建一个简单的python脚本,使用Sci-kit learn来训练回归模型。这应该类似于预处理器组件的python脚本。最大的区别在于,这里我们使用argparse接受训练数据的文件路径作为命令行参数。

import argparse
import joblib
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDRegressor

def train_model(x_train, y_train):
    x_train_data = np.load(x_train)
    y_train_data = np.load(y_train)

    model = SGDRegressor(verbose=1)
    model.fit(x_train_data, y_train_data)
    joblib.dump(model, 'model.pkl')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
    train_model(args.x_train, args.y_train)

The Dockerfile, likewise, is very similar to the one we used for the first component. We start with the base image, install the necessary packages, copy the python script into the container, then execute the script.


FROM python:3.7-slim


RUN pip install -U scikit-learn numpy

COPY train.py ./train.py

ENTRYPOINT [ "python", "train.py" ]

The two other components, **test-model **and deploy-model, follow this same pattern. In fact, they’re so similar to the two components we’ve already implemented, that for the sake of brevity I won’t show them here.


Just like with the preprocess-data component from earlier, we’ll build Docker images out of these three components and push them to Docker Hub:

就像前面的预处理数据组件一样,我们将用这三个组件构建Docker镜像,并将它们推送到Docker Hub:

  • train-model: gnovack/boston_pipeline_train
  • test-model: gnovack/boston_pipeline_test
  • deploy-model: gnovack/boston_pipeline_deploy

The Complete Pipeline

Now it’s time to create the full machine learning pipeline.


First, we’ll create component definitions for the train-model, test-model, and deploy-model components.


def train_op(x_train, y_train):

    return dsl.ContainerOp(
        name='Train Model',
            '--x_train', x_train,
            '--y_train', y_train
            'model': '/app/model.pkl'

The only major difference between the definition of the train-model component and that of the **preprocess-data **component from earlier is that **train-model **accepts two arguments, x_train and y_train which will be passed to the container as command-line arguments, and will be parsed out in the component implementation using the argparse module.


Now the definitions for the test-model and deploy-model components:


def test_op(x_test, y_test, model):

    return dsl.ContainerOp(
        name='Test Model',
            '--x_test', x_test,
            '--y_test', y_test,
            '--model', model
            'mean_squared_error': '/app/output.txt'
def deploy_model_op(model):

    return dsl.ContainerOp(
        name='Deploy Model',
            '--model', model

With the four pipeline components defined, we’ll now revisit the boston_pipeline function from earlier and use all of our components together.


   name='Boston Housing Pipeline',
   description='An example pipeline that trains and logs a regression model.'
def boston_pipeline():
    _preprocess_op = preprocess_op()
    _train_op = train_op(

    _test_op = test_op(


Let’s break this down:


  • Notice on **line 6, **when we invoke the preprocess_op() function, we store the output of the function in a variable called _preprocess_op . To access the outputs of the preprocess-data component, we call _preprocess_op.outputs['NAME_OF_OUTPUT'] .
  • 请注意第6行,当我们调用 preprocess_op() 函数时,我们将函数的输出存储在一个名为_preprocess_op的变量中。要访问预处理数据组件的输出,我们将其称为_preprocess_op.outputs['NAME_OF_OUTPUT']
  • By default, when we access the file_outputs from a component, we get the contents of the file rather than the file path. In our case, since these aren’t plain text files, we can’t just pass the file contents into the component Docker containers as command-line arguments. To access the file path, we use dsl.InputArgumentPath() and pass in the component output.
  • 默认情况下,当我们从组件访问file_outputs时,我们得到的是文件的内容,而不是文件路径。在我们的例子中,由于这些不是纯文本文件,我们不能仅仅将文件内容作为命令行参数传递到组件Docker容器中。为了访问文件路径,我们使用dsl.InputArgumentPath()并传入组件输出。

Now if we create a run from the pipeline and navigate to the Pipelines UI in the Kubeflow central dashboard, we should see all four components displayed in the pipeline graph.


Kubeflow pipelines UI.


In this article, we created a very simple machine learning pipeline that loads in some data, trains a model, evaluates it on a holdout dataset, and then “deploys” it. By using Kubeflow Pipelines, we were able to encapsulate each step in this workflow into Pipeline Components that each run in their very own, isolated Docker container environments.


This encapsulation promotes loose coupling between the steps in our machine learning workflow and opens up the possibility of reusing components in future pipelines. For example, there wasn’t anything in our training component specific to the Boston Housing dataset. We might be able to reuse this component any time we want to train a regression model using Sci-kit learn.

这种封装促进了机器学习工作流中各个步骤之间的松散耦合,并为将来在管道中重用组件打开了可能性。例如,我们的训练组件中没有任何特定于波士顿住房数据集的内容。我们可以在任何时候使用Sci-kit learn学习训练回归模型时重用该组件。

We just scratched the surface of what’s possible with Kubeflow Pipelines, but hopefully, this article helped you understand the basics of components, and how we can use them together to create and execute pipelines.


If you’re interested in exploring the whole codebase used in this article, you can find it all in this GitHub repo: https://www.aiqianji.com/openoker/kubeflow-pipelines
